HST Rental Rebate | HST Rebate on Home Renovations | New Residential Rental Property Rebate | HST Renovation Rebate


Getting your HST back

RECEIVE an HST Rebate of up to $30,000

IF YOU Purchased a new construction home or Renovated an old one!

CALL NOW TO DISCUSS YOUR eligibility 1-888-544-5467

Find out how much money you could receive TODAY!

If you bought a new construction property as an investment then the New Residential Rental Program Rebate is for you. It is designed to ensure you pay the same price as owner occupied purchasers do. Don’t be mislead, even if you paid over a million dollars you're still eligible for a rebate!

HST Renovation Rebate

A tax rebate is not the same as a tax refund, and it's not as simple to claim. A refund of tax is what you receive if you have overpaid your taxes for whatever reason. You may pay too much tax on your personal income, for example, if your employer makes an error in your pay cheques during the year, or if you have extra deductions to claim against your taxable income that weren't accounted for in calculating your net pay, or for various other reasons. When this happens, the government issues a refund of the overpaid amount of taxes. A rebate, on the other hand, is an amount of tax that was properly calculated and paid that is subsequently returned to the payor under a specific program or provision in the Income Tax Act. Qualifying for and claiming a tax rebate can be a complex undertaking.

Get your HST Rebate of up to $30,000. Fill out the form at the top of this page for a complimentary assessment of your situation,
or call us now at 1-888-544-5467.

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